NEWS:Simon Oslender, Steve Gadd & Will Lee: It´s all about the groove!
Subjects Info
RD: 2022-03-18
Live In Luxmbourg
Label: Railroad Tracks
Fileunder: Jazz / Pop / Helge Schneider
After the studio album "Die Reaction - The Last Jazz Vol. II", which was highly acclaimed by the press and placed at number one of the German jazz charts and placed in the top 10 of the German album charts, the exceptional artist HELGE SCHNEIDER presents "Live In Luxmbourg", A first-class live recording.

“The bright headlights baked me in the sun. As soon as we got there, everyone was screaming at me like crazy. Am I really meant? I thought of home. My flowers. Who would care if I had to stay here forever? With these thoughts in mind I enter the first minutes of the concert. "Sausage shop seller", an old hit of mine. Thought that would be the right introduction to then later still newer songs for the best. But I like playing the piano best. Or guitar. My friend SANDRO GIAMPIETRO plucked the Spanish flamenco guitar that I had been given by the great HERNANDES MONTOYA, an architect from Madrid who couldn´t play himself. In short, it was a memorable evening. With everything included. BODO ÖSTERLING kept pouring me tea until I was finally fed up and the concert finally ended towards the end. One encore, no two, that´s it. Way home again almost exclusively diving. When I finally arrived, I quickly watered the flowers, threw myself into bed and slept the sleep of someone who has just come from work and again what has contributed to the fact that one does something. The recordings that were made that evening were recorded with multi-channel technology and first-class microphones and cables. Sandro mixed them, I recorded them myself. Bodo set up the grand piano, Erwin fired up the lighting system and, as I said, dragged and merchendised little bears. Then I went to Kerpen-Buir and brought all the stuff to Railroad Track for mastering, from where a CD was pressed." Helge Schneider
Track list
1Helge SchneiderWurstfachverkäuferin
2Helge SchneiderBodo
3Helge SchneiderDas Alte Klavier
4Helge SchneiderAnsage Der Pabst
5Helge SchneiderDer Pabst
6Helge SchneiderAnsage Der Müde Reiter
7Helge SchneiderDer Müde Reiter
8Helge SchneiderHeute Hab Ich Gute Laune
9Helge SchneiderBaby Baby Unter Der Decke
10Helge SchneiderAutumn Leaves/Scatman
11Helge SchneiderSüßholz
12Helge SchneiderMood Indigo
13Helge SchneiderDas Alte Klavier - Absage
14Helge SchneiderAnsage Zugabe
15Helge SchneiderAnsage Der Meisenmann
16Helge SchneiderMeisenmann
17Helge SchneiderEs Gibt Reis (Including ´Tequila´)

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